Adult Formation

  • Adult Formation ideas submitted by Episcopal churches in Iowa.

  • Adult Formation Resources from FORMA

  • REVIVE: Revive is a 10 month discipleship program to help active lay leaders—wardens, property and finance officers, committee chairs, vestry members, church school teachers, youth ministers, pastoral visitors, and liturgical ministers—grow in confidence as spiritual leaders.

  • Jesus Was an Episcopalian (and you can be one too): Book and a series of videos by Chris Yaw.

  • The Bible Challenge: Read the Bible in a year alongside meditations from biblical scholars or church leaders. Visit the website for ideas to and inspiration.

  • Sharing Faith dinners

  • Good Book Club: read the Bible along with people all across The Episcopal Church

  • The Way of Love: seasonal curriculum to engage the Way of Love

  • Dwelling in the Word: a missional practice of Bible Study that can be used with children through adults.

  • Anglican Essentials: a course of adult catechesis from the Diocese of Alabama.

  • Lesson Plans that Work: Lectionary-based free resource for children, youth and adults from The Episcopal Church.

  • Bible Study: Check out resources from Sermons that Work and Text this Week.

  • Episcopal Bookshelf: Features books written by Episcopalians suitable for clergy, lay leaders, and group discussions.

  • Episcopal Resources for Adult Formation: A curated list of resources for Episcopal adult formation.

  • Exploring the Bible: free curriculum for churches and groups by Forward Movement. 26 sessions, available for all age groups, that "uncovers the vast, sweeping story of God's extraordinary love for ordinary people, in a clear and easy-to-follow format.

  • The School for Formation has free video courses for individuals and groups. Topics include: Bridging the Political Divide for Groups, Family Faith Formation, Spirituality and Racial Justice, Faith and Humor, Faithful Dissent, The Episcopal Way, Is My Loved One Addicted, Whiteness and Racial Justice, Theology and Racial Justice, Reparation and Racial Justice, Racism and Racial Justice, and Water and Justice.

  • Hazelnut Connection: If you're curious about what other people believe, want more about their own faith tradition, or are a seeker looking for a community, Hazelnut Connection is your place. Learn more about world religions, faith, and spirituality.


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