What is GILEAD?
GILEAD will engage and empower disciples to participate in the mission of God in local communities and the world. It is a campaign to raise $5 million for the entire Diocese of Iowa, One Church in Many Locations.
GILEAD invites Episcopalians across Iowa to make a strategic investment to grow the church in Iowa for future generations.
IMPACT of your gift
$5 million will benefit the whole Diocese of Iowa by: SUPPORTING the growth of leaders and ministry initiatives, EQUIPPING congregations to thrive into the future, STRENGTHENING our global partnerships, and COLLABORATING in raising funds for local needs.
supporting the growth of leaders and ministry initiatives
We are called to help people grow into a loving, liberating, and life-giving relationship with God and each other, and to bring God’s good news of love in Jesus Christ to a changing world. We need innovative and adaptive leaders that are ready to engage in the mission of God in their neighborhood in creative and collaborative ways.
$1.125 million of our goal will go towards:
Empowering leaders through training tailored to locally discerned needs—continuing the good work done in Growing Iowa Leaders and in Engaging All Disciples
Forming young people for a life of service, faithfulness and integrity
Partnering with congregations to support new clergy
Resourcing new ministry and mission initiatives
“From creation care to racial healing, new initiatives are popping up all around the diocese, often from the imaginative and prayerful minds of new leaders. Time and talent are plentiful, but more treasure
is needed.”
equipping congregations to thrive into the future
People are searching for communities where they can have deeper relationships with God and one another. We need new ways of reaching out to connect and engage people with our communities of faith.
$1.125 million of our goal will go towards:
Providing formation opportunities that empower individuals and congregations to share their faith with others
Sharing of best business and organizational practices across the Church
Expanding our tools and technology to connect and engage people
Partnering with the community for mission
Worshipping in renewed vibrant spaces
“In the future, I hope that all members of our Diocese will benefit from the wisdom of church leaders from around the world. GILEAD will help Iowans learn from these diverse and talented leaders.”
Strenthening our global partnerships
The Diocese of Iowa has three strong international companion relationships with the Diocese of Brechin in Scotland, the Diocese of Swaziland in southern Africa, and the Diocese of Nzara in South Sudan, Africa.
10% of the diocesan campaign funds will be designated to sustain and build our companion relationships.
Our $250,000 goal will support mission and ministries such as:
Medical care, expanded school facilities, farming capacity, and clergy support in the Diocese of Nzara
Creation care, feeding programs, micro economic projects and promoting gender equality in the Diocese of Swaziland
Fresh expressions of worship and evangelism initiatives in the Diocese of Brechin
“Our partnerships with Brechin, Nzara and Swaziland create strengthening relationships of mutual respect, thanksgiving and unfolding joy that lead to our being more truly in mission with Christ—through each
and all.”
collaborating for local needs
GILEAD is also about local communities of faith! Every vestry/congregation that makes an intentional commitment to the GILEAD campaign becomes a COLLABORATING PARTNER congregation. For these congregations, a potential goal of $2.5 million would be used for local needs.
COLLABORATING PARTNERS commit to support and communicate the GILEAD goals within their congregations
Donors in COLLABORATING PARTNER congregations can designate a portion of their gift for special purposes locally
COLLABORATING PARTNERS receive coordinated planning, solicitation, reporting, and tracking of donations designated for your congregation
COLLABORATING PARTNERS will receive 3 years of online stewardship tools and resources from Church Development
Donors that are supporting the work of the Diocese of Iowa have underwritten the administrative campaign costs
“Our congregation is collaborating in GILEAD out of gratitude to God for blessings St. Paul’s has been given. We are glad to express our gratitude and live out our connection to the Diocese of Iowa by being part of this project that will provide support for ministry across the diocese for years to come.”